Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reflecting on 2019

Living through the eyes of a person who has failed to find peace of mind has kept me off balance for most of the year. I have so many things to be thankful for starting with my sobriety of 14 months. The people in our children’s lives keeping them safe and engaged. Our health. The movie car. My round of golf of 81! Preston’s development at Dominon Martial Arts.  His acceptance into the Young Naperville Singers.  His participation on the worship team at church. Tina’s new job. Talia’s increased talent at drawing. Her outstanding learning in first grade. My excellent review after an earlier disappointing one. My good Lung CT scan. Tina’s good thyroid scan and X-ray. 
Looking forward to continuing (starting to reread what I’ve forgotten) Men In Green— momentarily saddened by the words “just another misstep in a long series of them”; reflecting on them realizing regardless of how those words apply to my life I am where I am today in a good safe place. Need to  just focus on the good not the bad. God will bless me if I leave Satan alone. While I cannot go back  and change anything I certainly do lament the passing of so many dear friends and lovers over the years. 

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