Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the power to facilitate change

greetings earthlings! this is my first post. politics... Dominating -the -scene. lota problemos out there dude! and lottsa people wanna help solve them . many interests, causes, foundations, benefits, walk-a-thons, you get the point. (all good stuff really) and depending where they are, the politicos play the game. like now in detroit its all about the cars. but i digress. can they get specific? can they pick a problemo and just deal with that? i mean can they define a problemo and do what our best capitalistic partners do? actually offer a solution? we, the people, would embrace our leaders if they would actually sit down together and come up with a solution to a problemo. make it simple at first, like what time can we expect our garbage to be picked up every thursday. i mean shouldn't that be the day? around here it is...other places friday, other places saturday. why not mondays? you know after a great weekend of real trash production.
and i mean isnt that another real problem? producing all that trash? well, lets keep focused.
lets have all the politicos work for the sanitation departments across the country and figure things out and get together and try to solve that one problem before they try to solve the complicated ones like health care. God knows we would be better off with them working on the trash issue rather than something important like health care. afterall, with all the trash talk out there right now, we would be alot safer if they invested some real time with the garbage.

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