Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We finally did it! First part of the mission accomplished!

Wow ...what a relief after seven long years of waiting; taking classes; waiting to get into nursing school; getting started in 2011 and graduating in 2013; persevering with a detached retina and subsequent eye surgery; going to clinical with a fractured right foot; celebrating the glorious birth of our second child Talia Marie in the summer of 2013!; and most importantly, having the support of my wonderful wife Tina!  Proudly and with a big sigh of relief,  I say, William Preston Kitchings is now RN, BSN! Praise the Lord for working so amazingly in our lives! Now, as we start the adventure of building a new home, 2014 promises to be exciting. I mentioned first part of the mission. That means as many of you know, God has plans for us and we look forward with anticipation for His reveal. We are listening Lord! Keep preparing us as we grow in our family. Oh yeah...please allow me some time to play a few rounds of golf (Tina said it's okay!).