Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Narrow View

In any organization, the people in it are the most valuable asset, and the perception of those people is determined by the leadership of that organization. One could hardly argue with that premise, but one would have to accept that the leadership of an organization is responsible for the perception of its people from inside or outside the organization. Do you follow? Its the perception that the organization is only as good as its leader. This does not apply to our country however, so do not go getting any ideas where this is going. What I came here to write about is the lack of civility in our Congress, and the media. Most people would welcome a civil debate about health care issues, immigration, and the war in Afghanistan. What we want is an explanation of how and why things will work, how much it will cost, who will pay for it, and not the talking points that force people to choose Democratic or Republican views. I might be for a public option if any one bothered to explain exactly what it is and how it will work. I might be able to consider accepting any viewpoint if it is explained in a civil way. Civility is not what we are getting, however, so the country keeps on along party lines whether they understand the issue or not. The poor media coverage, the constant bickering, name calling, and hatred of some people dominate us. Forming an informed opinion is almost impossible because catch phrases and talking points do not explain how health care reform will work. Criticizing the Bush administration or calling President Obama a socialist is not productive. Portraying our young women in sitcoms as promiscuous, and dressing them like sluts is not helping anyone either. (That's a side thought that popped up when I was wondering why people degrade others so.) Anyway, our Congressional leadership needs to stop blaming each other, and get involved in civil debate and discussion as to what they are going to do to help ALL Americans have health care whether it is affordable or not. (Affordable is just a another catch word. Lets face it: Health care is expensive!) I know its all complicated, but surely there is a way that we can understand it. The first step is to have things explained clearly and without opinion. Try a little humility, kindness, genuine concern for others, and telling us honestly how things are going to work. Oh, and just so you know, the President of the free world IS expected to mediate this bickering and not be the force behind it. God bless everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful Fall. Play nice!