Sunday, August 23, 2009

When the Mind is Full

Well the mind is full. Does anyone else relate to this? I mean, so many thoughts and ideas that you cannot channel them? I am in a funk of sorts because of that. I have alot on my mind--did I say that already?--Tina is pregnant, Praise to the Lord! That is a BIG story by itself... and it is a blessing beyond our wildest dreams. We are so hopeful and excited! My job is going well except for the overload of work that is on all of us because they cut our number one asset!! PEOPLE. People are our number 1 asset in Healthcare. I could write a lot about that, but I will say this. Leadership that has true value seeks other ways to save money than cut people. This is why there are so many people in unemployment lines because leaders, owners, people in charge, (listen up Democrats!) always take the easy way out. Putting people out of work accepts Failure! Creating alternate ways of saving money creates JOBS! But I cannot frustrate myself with this concept any longer because it falls on deaf ears. I bring it up, and people do not know what I am talking about. So, I will pray that I continue to try to be a leader, and that God will show me how to deal with this fullness that is sometimes overwhelming.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


what does disinformation mean? does that mean spreading information that is not true? is there any real information out there? can you send me some information????
i mean what is the information that we are dissin? i hope that someone will send me some disinformation so i can let the government know about it!! they seem really worried!