Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Narrow View

In any organization, the people in it are the most valuable asset, and the perception of those people is determined by the leadership of that organization. One could hardly argue with that premise, but one would have to accept that the leadership of an organization is responsible for the perception of its people from inside or outside the organization. Do you follow? Its the perception that the organization is only as good as its leader. This does not apply to our country however, so do not go getting any ideas where this is going. What I came here to write about is the lack of civility in our Congress, and the media. Most people would welcome a civil debate about health care issues, immigration, and the war in Afghanistan. What we want is an explanation of how and why things will work, how much it will cost, who will pay for it, and not the talking points that force people to choose Democratic or Republican views. I might be for a public option if any one bothered to explain exactly what it is and how it will work. I might be able to consider accepting any viewpoint if it is explained in a civil way. Civility is not what we are getting, however, so the country keeps on along party lines whether they understand the issue or not. The poor media coverage, the constant bickering, name calling, and hatred of some people dominate us. Forming an informed opinion is almost impossible because catch phrases and talking points do not explain how health care reform will work. Criticizing the Bush administration or calling President Obama a socialist is not productive. Portraying our young women in sitcoms as promiscuous, and dressing them like sluts is not helping anyone either. (That's a side thought that popped up when I was wondering why people degrade others so.) Anyway, our Congressional leadership needs to stop blaming each other, and get involved in civil debate and discussion as to what they are going to do to help ALL Americans have health care whether it is affordable or not. (Affordable is just a another catch word. Lets face it: Health care is expensive!) I know its all complicated, but surely there is a way that we can understand it. The first step is to have things explained clearly and without opinion. Try a little humility, kindness, genuine concern for others, and telling us honestly how things are going to work. Oh, and just so you know, the President of the free world IS expected to mediate this bickering and not be the force behind it. God bless everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful Fall. Play nice!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Let the President Speak!

What the heck is the matter with folks in this country? President Obama is going to address the nation's schools today. Heck he should have done it at 0900 so all the students could watch! Parents objecting? Give me a break. This is a good thing people...This is a GOOD THING!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

When the Mind is Full

Well the mind is full. Does anyone else relate to this? I mean, so many thoughts and ideas that you cannot channel them? I am in a funk of sorts because of that. I have alot on my mind--did I say that already?--Tina is pregnant, Praise to the Lord! That is a BIG story by itself... and it is a blessing beyond our wildest dreams. We are so hopeful and excited! My job is going well except for the overload of work that is on all of us because they cut our number one asset!! PEOPLE. People are our number 1 asset in Healthcare. I could write a lot about that, but I will say this. Leadership that has true value seeks other ways to save money than cut people. This is why there are so many people in unemployment lines because leaders, owners, people in charge, (listen up Democrats!) always take the easy way out. Putting people out of work accepts Failure! Creating alternate ways of saving money creates JOBS! But I cannot frustrate myself with this concept any longer because it falls on deaf ears. I bring it up, and people do not know what I am talking about. So, I will pray that I continue to try to be a leader, and that God will show me how to deal with this fullness that is sometimes overwhelming.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


what does disinformation mean? does that mean spreading information that is not true? is there any real information out there? can you send me some information????
i mean what is the information that we are dissin? i hope that someone will send me some disinformation so i can let the government know about it!! they seem really worried!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Finals

Say goodbye to the magic of the finals...LA will finish, Detroit the motor city will have no autos but an awesome Redwings! Relax everyone, God is in control. The demo symbol is now the pic of Barney Frank--true jackass, and David Letterman is the symbol of aging comedian without new jokes...oops funny jokes. unless you think being pregnant is a joke. Please hold me back.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Signs

The signs of the decay of organized civilization are here as reported by the media. Lawlessness throughout the world. Attacks against our values. Lawyers on the loose.
Unbridled opinion. Wow...and all I want to do is play 18.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My List

Its a beautiful day here today. Cold, but sunny. Optimistic is the mood. However, the country appears to be embroiled in a controversy concerning "bonuses" paid to AIG employees. I watched the hearings yesterday, and am always amazed at how OUR employees of the federal government want to get answers to their questions, but do not always wait to hear the answer.
And if they do not hear the answer they want to hear, they interrupt (which is rude by the way) and inject their opinion as to what they think the answer should be. Its a very interesting process. And not the way to spend an afternoon unless you just have to! Anyway, without trying to be too clever, or write alot of long winded sentences, I am going to list the things on my mind.
1) I don't care who's to blame for the economic mess in this country. I would like to see it fixed without succumbing to socialist principles to do it.
2) Barney Frank should be in charge of Saturday morning cartoons.
3) We should demand a list of all congressmen and women, how much they make, where THEIR money is invested, and how much income tax they paid for the past ten years.(If they paid any that is) This list should include all White House Staff as well. They work for US, and as public employees should be totally exposed when it comes to how they use our money. A list of their addresses and where their kids go to school should be included while we're at it. Right?
4) Either enforce our immigration laws or change them. Put Nancy Pelosi in charge of this.
5) Stop borrowing money from a communist government. As a matter of fact, stop borrowing money period. Get your expenses in line. The government has their hands in every available source of revenue now. Figure out how much money comes in, figure out which FEDERAL projects need it the most, (that'll be fun) and spend it accordingly. BUT DO NOT BORROW MORE TO $PEND MORE! And let the states do what they need to do on their own.
6) Stop using my money to pay for abortions overseas and here at home. If you want to break GOD's laws, then do it with your own money.
7) Pass a law that states everyone has to take a two hour break in the afternoon. Only people caring for dying people (or those being born!) are exempt from this law. For those already on break because you lost your job, then you don't have to feel bad during this time.
8) And this is very important: PROTECT US from all those crazy people who are trying to kill us. Take that how you want, but actually lock up some of these people! That means gang members ,terrorists, drug dealers, and serial killers. We don't need to find out what or who they know, or pretend to care how to fix them. GET RID OF THEM!

So there is my list. I am going to try to get at least one of those done. Don't know how yet, but I can promise it wont be by mailing in tea bags!

Have an awesome day, and don't forget to be nice to someone!