Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Winter of Our Discontent

God is testing my faith. As the headlines unfold, I feel a swell of anger building inside of me, feeling helpless to do anything when I want so very much to speak my mind. My head is full of ideas, half finished thoughts, opinions, and memories. Just when it all begins to boil over, I realize that I am trying to control situations that are not mine to control.
Tina and I are following a path to conceive a child, and we are encountering challenges along the way. She had a fibroid surgery last month that revealed some tissue issues, (smiling at that!), that are not as serious as they could have been if we didnt have the surgery. (praise to God!) So we are still trying to prepare the womb for fertilization. God is in control, and we pray daily for Him to give us wisdom.
Ginger Creek Community Church is our home now for fellowship and worship. We are pleased to be a part of a small group that brings us closer to families that share our beliefs, and our desire to serve.
But I digress from the point of this message. Love that we can express is the gift given to us by God. We are meant to explore it, grow it, share it, and embrace it at every opportunity. It is by our grace, and with our love that change can occur. It is not the politics of the day, but our unconditional acceptance of God's love that will form the future. It is the faith in God that shapes our lives. Loving replaces the anger, and when that love swells, there is no reason for discontent. And with that in my heart, the winter will not be cold.
Please take the time to appreciate everything around you. God gave it all to you. See yourself outside of the situation that you may think is hopeless.